Conflict is a daily occurrence for many of us and is so common we often fail to label it in this way. We are usually able to manage this effectively and it’s only when we become ‘stuck’ that it can cause a problem and prevent us from getting on with our lives. What matters is how conflict is handled and resolved. This is where mediation can be really powerful.
Forseti Mediation believes in the empowerment and autonomy of mediation by providing a confidential space for settling disputes or conflict.
The mediation process is about you. Getting to a mutually agreed future, where you feel that you haven’t ‘lost’, can be empowering. You also retain control over the process rather than handing any decision and outcome to the courts - and it is significantly quicker and cheaper.
Mediation is also a useful approach before things get to conflict, providing an impartial and non-judgemental forum to discuss what an outcome could look like to ensure a fair hearing in a confidential forum.
The overall settlement rate for mediated disputes in 2022 was 92%
Forseti Mediation provide civil and commercial facilitative mediation for individuals and organisations.
Mediation has increased in popularity over the past few years to resolve conflict for many issues including property disputes, contracts that go wrong, commercial, insurance or inheritance disputes, litigation, or problems with construction.
The type of mediation both Anna and Julian are trained in is called ‘facilitative mediation’ in which the role of the mediator is not to judge, take sides, nor offer advice on outcome. This type of mediation provides an arena where the two sides of a disagreement can come to their own solution themselves, one with which they are both happy (or at least less unhappy than before). The mediator does this by listening to both sides, asking questions, gently probing and testing truths, reframing arguments and asking the participants to test what-ifs. The process depends on both sides agreeing to the mediation in the first place rather than letting an issue continue unresolved for a longer time. Mediation does not require a solicitor to attend but often legal services offer mediation as a solution as a preferred route to court. Other support – such as family and friends – can attend but all will be required to sign a confidentiality agreement. Participants in the mediation must also be able to settle any outcome on the day if agreement is made.
Forseti Mediation conduct mediation face-to-face but also offer online mediation for those parties who prefer it or are unable to attend in person.​
We don't come from a legal background, but from a range of industries where our skills are key to helping people tell their stories and find their own solutions to problems.
So you can be assured that we won't use confusing legal jargon or business speak but rather will listen attentively, ask friendly probing questions and create a positive environment to help you resolve your dispute.

Green Pledge
Forseti Mediation and the mediator are supporters of and signatories to the World Mediators Alliance on Climate Change (WoMACC) Green Pledge.
We have committed to minimising the environmental impact of each mediation in which we are involved in the ways outlined in the Pledge, including avoiding unnecessary travel and using electronic technology wherever possible.
We are also committed to encouraging those with whom we mediate similarly to minimise their carbon emissions.
We invite the parties to give consideration to the Pledge.